

Artist Portfolio

We have been witnessing a period of devastating crises these last few years. It has however been my ​privilege to closely witness the transformative force of collective action and solidarity that has emerged in ​response. The leadership of community activists and youth collectives continues to forge revolutionary new ​paths for social justice, and I am committed to support this spirit of collective action through my work.

As an artist and designer working in the development sector, my work is a space where I reflect on the ​anger, pain, and intricate webs of responsibility and action that are inherent in justice movements. Through ​political commentary pieces I explore the performative nature of solidarity, allyship, and activism. Through ​self portraits, I am on a journey to understand my mental health and the consequences of abuse.



MA in Media Practice for Development and ​Social Change, School of Media, Film and ​Music, University of Sussex, 2018-2019

Integrated MA in Development Studies, IIT ​Madras, 2016


Freelance Designer and Communications ​Consultant

Communications Manager for Nonprofits and ​Development Sector Organizations

Gallery Assistant/Intern

Recent Works (Acrylic on Paper)

everything is fine

From "Nothing Is Fine: A 3 part art piece reflecting on the privilege to pretend that everything is fine and ​learning to listen to those who have seen a lot more and a lot before you have.’, 2024

Fuel and Fodder

From "Nothing Is Fine: A 3 part art piece reflecting on the privilege to pretend that everything is fine and ​learning to listen to those who have seen a lot more and a lot before you have.’, 2024

Glasses for Sale

From "Nothing Is Fine: A 3 part art piece reflecting on the privilege to pretend that everything is fine and ​learning to listen to those who have seen a lot more and a lot before you have.’, 2024

Buzzwords and ​Bullshit.

Wh​en colonizers colonize decolonization. 2024

Recent Works (Pen on Paper)

Expecting impact ​within​ a week

What are the ways in which allyship is practiced ​globally? People belonging to marginalized ​gender, caste, class and religious identities have ​been at the forefront of movements of resistance ​from time immemorial. They have catalyzed ​historic shifts in our perspectives on gender, ​human rights, and justice. And yet, the effects of ​colonialism persist as the powerful and ​privileged few don a myopic and self-centered ​lens on what their allyship means. This artwork ​critiques these superficial forms of allyship and ​visualizes the long history of oppression and ​resistance that is fuelling and inspiring ​movements of today. It is a reminder that ​solidarity cannot come with an expiration date, ​however weary and bleak the future may seem.


Recent Works (Pen on Paper, A Mini Zine)

The World Around Us - ​A Course Book. REVISED ​EDITION 2023

Floods, Droughts, Genocides, ​Lynch​ing


Recent Works (Pencils on Paper, An Analog Reel)

it’s time to ​listen

Floods, Droughts, Genocides, ​Lynching


Other Works (Acrylic on Paper)

blind faith versus covi​d 19

From "Lockdown Diaries" 2020-2021

Other Works (Acrylic on Canvas)

fu​ck that

From "Lockdown Diaries" 2020-2021


From "Lockdown Diaries" 2020-2021

hold your breath

From “Lockdown Diaries” and "self portraits" 2020​-2023​

Other Works (Acrylic on Cardboard)

‘​Chaaya’ (tea)

From "Lockdown Diaries" 2020-2021

‘Ittavattom’ (confined)

From "Lockdown Diaries" 2020-2021

Other Works (Acrylic on Paper)

we​ary traveller

From "self portraits" 2019​

Other Works (Acrylic on Canvas)

self love 1

From "self portraits," 2018

self love 2

From "self portraits," 2019​

Other Works (Digital)

The Taunts of a Burst Balloon

Blissfully untethered

limp and grey

a carcass of promises hung

a reminder of last new year's day.

From a 3 part series "2020". This piece reflects on the personal grief ​of 2020, and a new year’s day that was celebrated amidst the hope​ emer​ging from nation-wide protests. 2020

The Desperate and the Despot

Now this one, now that.

Blistered feet tracing the length of the 'nation'.

Left. Right. Left. Right.

Puppet armies tying nooses for dissent.

From a 3 part series "2020". This piece explores the intersection of class ​and politics - when thousands of migrant workers arduously walked acr​oss t​he country, when thousands of minority voices were stifled. 2020

The Real Apocalypse

There's another virus out there

lurking within weak legalities.

It's endemic to the fascist's culling fields.

I wonder, who's immune?

From a 3 part series "2020". This piece comments on the dystopia​n med​ia landscape - when fake news becomes historical fact. 2020

Select Works from a 30 Day Comic Strip Series (Digital)

Ghosts of a colonial ​pa​st

An exploration of daily life as a colonial ​subject during my time as an Indian student ​in the U.K. Each comic strip is drawn from a ​real interaction experienced by students from ​British colonies. 2​018